Tag Archive: General

Project on hold

As might be obvious with the lack of updates, NSN is currently on hold.

Since I’ve taken up a new job, I have too much to do and not enough spare time, so I must make choices. This is a project I’m deeply involved with, I really want to publish it someday, maybe on the XBox360, maybe elsewhere.

If somebody were to offer me help to complete the project, by providing content, or new ways to fix the AI, I would make it my priority. In the mean time, I’ll still give it a thought from time to time, maybe implement things when inspiration strikes, but no more than that.

Savegame system back online

After some hard work, I’ve re-added the savegame system, then fixed it so doesn’t crash when saving/loading. I’ve also created some support code that enables a massive file size reduction, while still keeping the existing XML based system. And I’ve started filling the gaps in the savegame. It’s not complete yet, but it’s getting closer now.

I had to disable it sometime before the DBP deadline when I saw the amount of work remaining. I had to choose between saving/reloading and doing a thousand other things, like content and polish. I picked up content over saving, and so limited the ‘campaign’ to a shorter demo that I was intending at first.

This taught me a good lesson: never put the savegame system as a low priority ‘to be done at the end’ task. Of course, if you’re only saving the high scores and sound volume preferences, that’s no big deal. But for a game with progress saving, it is a big task, all entities should be designed with save/load support in mind, maybe automatic serialization, if possible.

In my case, automatic serialization isn’t practical, due to huge file size and multiple dependencies (OK, the dependencies could be fixed). So I’m writing it all by hand. For instance, take a good care at how things are setup, how the data is loaded, what kind of loading order dependencies there are, etc. I’ve made mistakes with some classes that can’t be instantiated with default values, then setup, then their content loaded.

Anyway, enough technical discussion! What this means is: the project is getting nearer release! The savegame system is the last major feature I need to have working before release. After that, there is only polish and content to be done. Which isn’t easy and quick either, but it doesn’t feel like a huge wall in front of me. And it will enable adding much more story missions, as testing them would become practical again, not having to play through the whole game each time I want to test one 😉

NSN features

Game Thumbnail

Game thumbnail

As the game isn’t yet available, I thought I’d make a virtual tour of NSN, to build interest and gain feedback.

Simply put, Next Stop: Nowhere! is a 2D space roaming shooter with depth. It is a space shooter, no denying it: you’re in control of a spaceship and you blast other ships (and props). But it has a lot more to offer.

Firstly, it’s not a side or vertical scroller. You get to go wherever you want in a top-down viewed universe (well, I know ‘top-down’ doesn’t make ANY sense in a ‘universe’, but it’s a game, mmm? 🙂 And the universe is flat, everyone knows that anyway! ;-)). I very much wanted to give a sensation of space, of freedom and use it to create interesting events and settings (ambushes, patrols, etc).

One important key feature also is that the universe is procedurally generated. What does this mean for the player? Discovery and replayability. Creating it programatically as opposed to fully level designed allows me to have a much bigger universe, a little more chaotic than I would have made it by hand. I will explain the system in details in another blog entry.

Now the depth. This is not a mindless shooter, like, not at all. It’s much more a sandbox-style game. If you go an a rampage against law-abiding space citizens, you’ll have to avoid military controlled space. On the other hand, if you hunt pirates, you’d be more popular with the police, but shot on sight by outlaws. Then there is trade. You can upgrade your ship, buy a better one and so on, but not only. You can also buy and sell various items, raw minerals and precious gems, that you might obtain in several ways: buying from a merchant on a station, mining from asteroids (obviously you will get only raw stuff from asteroids), looting from destroyed ships or sometimes when completing missions. Which leads me to…

Missions. Yes there are missions. There are ALWAYS missions. Wherever you go, each time you find a space station, there will be something to do. Whether it’s a dull, uneventful patrol around the station or a raid against neighbors or playing babysitter for frightened roaming merchants wanting to cross pirate-controlled space or a request that you go explore an uncharted area of the galaxy will depend on the moment and the location and type of the station. And there is another kind of missions, those advancing the story line. You will be lead to discover the galaxy, and its numerous denizens and their plots, if you choose to play these. Some will change the face of the universe, no kidding.

A-life (short for Artificial Life) is the last feature I’ll talk about now. That was always a favorite of mine and it features prominently in this game. I’ve already mentioned the missions, they’re a part of the A-life system. Many things are constantly generated to populate the universe in the most convincing way possible. Apart from missions, there are rumors which you can pick up in stations, patrollers, pirates, merchants and miners that you can see flying around doing their job, and attacking or fleeing you. There is a market system, which governs prices based on offer/demand, so your actions have an impact: if you disrupt trade or help it, prices will go up or down; if you find a large deposit of mineral when mining and bring it back, prices will drop, etc… And of course, there is the combat AI, which is not wave based or pattern based like in most shoot’em up/scrollers. The AI ships follow the same dynamics rules as the player’s, so the AI is really thrusting and steering as the player is doing. This is all to make them feel more ‘alive’ or ‘lifelike’ and less like painted targets. They have rules of engagement, which means they will attack you on their own if you fly nearby and are hostile, or they will flee you if they feel overpowered and in danger.

Well, that’s all for this entry!

DBP Media

Below are the screenshots I’ve uploaded for the DBP entry. They are untouched Windows screengrabs (click for full size). Which was wrong, since the format requested wasn’t full 720p (1280×720) but 1000×562, well, my entry has been accepted, even if the screenshots won’t display properly in the official gallery.

Oh, and the required video on YouTube:
First gameplay trailer


Blow up stuff!

Blow up stuff!

Escort a merchant

Escort a merchant



PS: can you spot the bug shown briefly in the video? 🙂

Hello world!

Hi there!

I’ve just created this new blog to discuss NSN. It should feature both technical and non-technical posts, some bits devlog-style, and more!

Stay tuned!